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Atmost Lunches #4

Omelette and Pancakes

Having our own free range chickens, we often have the tasty eggs for lunch and it is an easy way to use up leftovers or some ingredients you have laying around. Here are a couple of simple meals we made using fresh eggs from Justin’s chickens and our Morso cast iron skillet.


I had some fresh broad beans (Ful) and leftover chicken which we chopped up with some tomatoes and black olives. We cooked the ingredients a little in a hot skillet before mixing in beaten eggs and seasoning.

Some goats cheese or Gbjena on top makes all the difference.

One big advantage of cooking with cast iron dishes (as long as there is no wooden handle) is that they can handle the direct heat from the hob as well as the heat from the oven. So after a few minutes, I put the skillet under the grill to cook the omelette from the top. And that’s it! It’s a simple but tasty meal that can be made with almost any ingredients you feel like chucking in.



Savoury pancakes are another quick meal that can incorporate leftovers and you can be adventurous trying lots of different fillings. We just made a simple batter and left it to rest while preparing the filling. In this case we chopped up some onion, coloured peppers, mushrooms and roast beef from the night before. I fried everything for the filling in the hot skillet but not for too long as I prefer to leave them a bit crunchy.

To make the pancakes just pour some batter in a medium hot skillet with a little oil or butter. Some cream cheese and lettuce along with the filling are really yummy.


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